Mom Bullies are the Worst!
While there are many places in life that we may find ourselves in the crosshairs of two (or more) intellectual and conceptual “camps”, or ways of thinking, nowhere is it more stark or more potentially destructive and hurtful than in parenting. If you’ve heard the term “mommy-wars” this is what I mean.
The problem is that we don’t LIVE in the conceptual world. What worked for one mom or one kid is not necessarily going to work for others. We need to stay grounded in the contexts of our lives. While we can certainly look to the conceptual world for ideas to then take back to our contextual worlds, struggling in the world of concepts, ideas, and “shoulds” can make it very hard for us to stay grounded and responsive to the world that is alive and around us.
Buying into all the “shoulds” in life leaves us very susceptible to being crushed by either or both sides of the mommy wars ~ Stay grounded, Mamas, in the context of your life and trust in the wisdom of your grounded heart!