So you’ve decided to pursue counseling or coaching, that’s great! You are about to embark on an incredible journey of self-discovery and growth. Wondering how to choose the right counselor for you? Most of us offer a free consultation ~ please take us up on it! Finding the right person for you is worth […]
Mom Bullies are the Worst
Mom Bullies are the Worst! While there are many places in life that we may find ourselves in the crosshairs of two (or more) intellectual and conceptual “camps”, or ways of thinking, nowhere is it more stark or more potentially destructive and hurtful than in parenting. If you’ve heard the term “mommy-wars” this is what […]
Why Self-Esteem is Highly Overrated
Low on Self-esteem? Get compassion instead! I’d like to risk using myself as an example in talking about self-esteem. I have this conversation about self-esteem frequently with clients. I have a deep connection with them and feel perfectly fine self-esteem-wise doing it, however, it feels way different now. This is a different experience. I’m […]
Mindfulness and Stress: Being Your Own Best Friend
Have you ever gone through a difficult experience and once you told a trusted friend you felt much better? Did you know it is possible to show up for yourself in a similar way in practice? When we encounter an experience that we judge as negative (and life is full of them, isn’t it?) the […]